Entries will submit a cover sheet and their submission.
- Entry is FREE
- Due date September 15th
- Winners announced October 15th
- Reading at Carnegie Center in Lexington November 15th
On Cover Sheet:
Parent/guardian name (if under 18)
Email Address
Phone number
Mailing address, city, state
Grade/year in school
School, county
College Students – 750 words
Op-ed. Take a point of view on Kentucky’s hemp industry that may be published in a newspaper.
Winner: $150 bond; 2nd $100 bond; 3rd $75 bond
High School – 500 words
Make a case to your state legislator about the future of hemp in Kentucky.
Winner: $100 bond; 2nd $75 bond; 3rd $50 bond
Middle School – 250 words
Industrial hemp is a plant that has been used for rope, paint, clothing and hundreds of other
products. If you could design anything using industrial hemp, what would you make? Describe
the product, the part of the hemp plant you would use, and how it may benefit humanity.
Winner: $75 bond; 2nd $50 bond; 3rd $25 bond
To Enter, Click Here: